Lottery Retailing Trends in 2003


While playing the Lottery is cheap, you need to be realistic and realize the odds of winning are extremely small. While you can win a large sum of money by playing the Lottery, it is a far more likely occurrence to be struck by lightning than to become a billionaire. Moreover, many people who have won the lottery have reported serious declines in their lives. In South Carolina, the largest jackpot was $1.586 billion.

Most states do not limit the number of retailers that sell their lottery products. In fact, the NASPL Web site lists nearly 186,000 retailers. Of those, nine states reported a decline in sales for 2003. Delaware recorded the sharpest decline, with a 6.8% drop. Other states, however, reported sales increases in 2003. Some of these states include Florida, West Virginia, Louisiana, and the District of Columbia. However, some states limit the number of lottery retailers.

While some states have banned the lottery, other states continue to operate them. In 1890, the U.S. Congress banned the mailing of lottery materials, and the Louisiana lottery was closed. The reason for this was a northern crime syndicate that bribed legislators and committed widespread fraud and deceiving lottery officials. This led to public opinion turning against lotteries. By the end of the nineteenth century, there were only three states with lotteries, and none of them was Catholic.

The NGISC report provides no evidence that the lottery markets specifically target low-income communities. It would be unwise from both a political and business perspective to market lottery tickets to people in these neighborhoods. As a matter of fact, people often purchase lottery tickets outside of the neighborhoods where they live. Many higher-income individuals pass through low-income neighborhoods on their way to work, shop, or visit a lottery outlet. Similarly, high-income residential neighborhoods have few stores, gas stations, and lottery outlets.

While lottery participation rates are similar across races and ethnicities, there is no significant difference in the average spending levels of lottery players. While African-Americans are slightly more likely to play the lottery than others, they spend four times as much as men. People with high school diplomas and low-income households spend significantly more on lottery tickets than those with higher education. Moreover, lottery players with lower incomes are not very optimistic about the chances of winning the jackpot. Despite this, the payout percentage remains relatively high.

One case highlights the impact of the lottery on divorce settlements. An Ohio woman lost her $1.3 million jackpot in 2001 and sought divorce prior to her first annuity check. She sought advice from lottery officials, who advised her to file for divorce. The ex-husband discovered that she had not declared the money as an asset during the divorce. A California court can award her 100% of the undisclosed asset, plus attorneys’ fees. The case is currently in litigation.

According to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries (NAASPL), U.S. lottery sales increased by 6.6% in fiscal year 2003. Moreover, the total amount of lottery winnings has increased steadily since 1998. There are several other advantages of playing the lottery, but the most notable is the fact that the U.S. lottery is very popular among Americans. The average ticket costs between $1.25 and $3.40.

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